Men's Active Player Dues

Dues are an important part of how we sustain ourselves as a club. They help cover the costs of equipment, coaching, league fees and, maybe most importantly, the post game socials that honor rugby tradition.

*Please note, PayPal fees are not included in the listed cost of the dues.*

$250 p/year Full Year Club Membership

Full year club membership

Pay Dues

$150 p/season Single Season Membership

Fall or Spring season membership

Pay Dues

$100 p/season Rookie Single Season Membership

First year dues for new members to the club

Pay Dues

Men's Social & Old Boys Dues

Love the camaraderie of rugby? Have you had to hang up your cleats? You can still support the club you love through Social and Old Boys memberships. Take part in great rugby traditions, join Charles River at all of our socials, drink ups, events and more.

$50 p/year Social Year Membership

Want to join, but can't play in games?

Pay Dues

$30 p/season Social Season Membership

Join us at drink up for a season

Pay Dues

$50 p/year Old Boys Membership.

Support the club past your playing days

Pay Dues

Supporter Dues

For those who are friends, family, or simply close to the club and want to support Charles River. Supporters are welcome to participate in socials and drink ups after the match.

$30 p/year Supporter Year Membership

Come to a match and join us at the drink up

Pay Dues

$20 p/season Supporter Season Membership

Support Charles River for a season Pay Dues


$ Donations

You can also support the club by making a donation.

Donate Today
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